Azure Hands on Labs

A set of simple Azure Hands-on-Labs.



  1. Serverless with Azure Functions
  2. Introduction to IoT on Azure
  3. Introduction to Terraform on Azure
  4. Introduction to Containers on Azure
  5. Introduction to Container Orchestration and AKS
  6. Introduction to CI/CD with Azure DevOps
  7. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for Azure
  8. Introduction to Automated Testing with Azure DevOps


These labs are based on existing Azure Labs and training materials and were tuned and updated were required.

  1. For the Serverless with Azure Functions lab, see Microsoft Azure training for researchers, Apache 2 License.
  2. For the Introduction to IoT on Azure lab, see Azure IoT Hands on Labs, MIT License.
  3. For the Introduction to Containers and AKS lab, see Project Phoenix - Containerize your enterprize.