React to Critical Device Lifecycle Events and Trigger Actions

React to Critical Device Lifecycle Events and Trigger Actions


Azure IoT Hub integrates with Azure Event Grid so that you can send event notifications to other services and trigger downstream processes. Configure your business applications to listen for IoT Hub events so that you can react to critical events in a reliable, scalable, and secure manner. For example, build an application to perform multiple actions like updating a database, creating a ticket, and delivering an email notification every time a new IoT device is registered to your IoT hub.

In this lab you will learn how to

  • Create logic app to be able to send email notifications

  • Create Event Grid

  • Connect IoT Hub to Event Grid

Task 1: Create Logic App

Create a Logic App to be able to send email notifications

Click on Create a resource

Create Resource_

Click on Enterprise Integration

Enterprise Integration_

Click on Logic Apps

Create Logic App_

Use existing resource group created in previous steps and press Create

Create Logic App_

Using Logic App Designer, Create New App

Create App_

Select HTTP Request

Select HTTP Request_

Provide a Sample Payload

  "id": "56afc886-767b-d359-d59e-0da7877166b2",
  "topic": "/SUBSCRIPTIONS/<Subscription ID>/RESOURCEGROUPS/<Resource group name>/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.DEVICES/IOTHUBS/<IoT hub name>",
  "subject": "devices/LogicAppTestDevice",
  "eventType": "Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated",
  "eventTime": "2018-01-02T19:17:44.4383997Z",
  "data": {
    "twin": {
      "deviceId": "LogicAppTestDevice",
      "etag": "AAAAAAAAAAE=",
      "status": "enabled",
      "statusUpdateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "connectionState": "Disconnected",
      "lastActivityTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "cloudToDeviceMessageCount": 0,
      "authenticationType": "sas",
      "x509Thumbprint": {
        "primaryThumbprint": null,
        "secondaryThumbprint": null
      "version": 2,
      "properties": {
        "desired": {
          "$metadata": {
            "$lastUpdated": "2018-01-02T19:17:44.4383997Z"
          "$version": 1
        "reported": {
          "$metadata": {
            "$lastUpdated": "2018-01-02T19:17:44.4383997Z"
          "$version": 1
    "hubName": "egtesthub1",
    "deviceId": "LogicAppTestDevice",
    "operationTimestamp": "2018-01-02T19:17:44.4383997Z",
    "opType": "DeviceCreated"
  "dataVersion": "",
  "metadataVersion": "1"

Provide Sample Payload_

Task 2: Setup Notification by Sending Email

Click on New Step

New Step_

Add an action

Add an Action_

Choose Mail

Choose Mail_

Finish Mail Actions

Finish Mail Actions_

Sign in to email

Sign in to email_

Create Email template (use the provided O365 credentials to login)

Create email template_

Finally, click on save.

Task 3: Integrate with IoT Hub

Copy Request URL which will be put into the WebHook endpoint URL in the following step:

Copy Request URL_

Now, go to the Event Grid

Imported Script_

Click on Events

Integrated with IoTHub_

Copy the URL from previous steps into Subscriber Endpoint and click create

Integrated with IoTHub_

Task 4: Add Device and Test Notification

Go To IoTHub -> IoT Devices (Device Management) -> Add

Add Device_

Click Save button to create a new device

Add Device_

You Should get an email notification

Email Notification_

Task 5: Delete Device and Test Notification

Go To IoTHub -> IoT Devices (Device Management) -> Select Device you created in previous step -> Delete

Delete Device_

You Should get an email notification

Email Notification_