Connect PI Simulator to IoT Hub

Connect PI Simulator to IoT Hub

IoT Hub_

In this lab you will:

  • Learn to create a device using Azure Portal

  • Connect the simulator to IoT Hub

  • Send telemetry data to Azure

Task 1: Create a Device

Go To your IoT Hub in the portal and click on IoT Devices

Resource Group_

Click on + Add and enter a Device ID and click Save.

Resource Group_

Click on the device and copy the primary key connection string.

Resource Group_

Task 2: Configure the Pi Simulator

Please go to the PI Simulator_.

Replace the connection string with the primary key connection string copied in the previous steps:

Resource Group_

After you copy the connection string should look like below

Resource Group_

Click Run and start sending messages. LED will start blinking

Resource Group_

Messages will start flowing into IoT Hub

Resource Group_

You will work with Labs in the Next Module to Visualize the Data flowing into IoT Hub